The success of our organization is built upon a guiding leadership structure dedicated to fostering both personal and chorus growth. Our Leadership team, Music Team, and other supporting teams play pivotal roles in our ongoing development and progress. These teams not only contribute to the strength of our chorus but also offer our members valuable volunteer-based opportunities for personal and professional growth at local, regional, and international levels.
Our Director
Jo-Anne Killips has nurtured a lifelong love affair with singing, dancing, and music.
In 1992, she discovered her passion for a cappella harmonies, embarking on a journey that led her to contribute significantly to our chorus. Jo-Anne has held key positions on Management and Music teams, served as an assistant director, and been a part of various performing and competing quartets. Her journey eventually led her to become our front-line director.
Beyond her vocal prowess, Jo-Anne boasts training in dance and classical piano, having worked with top-level international choreographers. Her expertise extends to coaching others in the art of visual performance, a testament to her deep-seated passion for all things barbershop!
“Music has always been an important part of my life and a love of Acappella harmonies developed early. When I found these amazing people who all have a deep love of this Acappella artform it was a dream come true.
Every week I'm excited to join with my musical family and share in our connection and love of singing four-part harmony.
I feel honoured to be a part of this beautiful chorus.”
Our Music Team
Jennifer Auld-Roach / Assistant Director, Lead Section Leader
I came to rhythm because I was looking for a challenge and a chance to develop my singing and performing skills. I’m from a musical family and have been singing since I was a little kid. Having studied voice (both formally and informally) for my whole life, I love sharing what I know with other eager singing-nerds!
Currently I serve as assistant director and am privileged to work with our dynamic and talented music team. I love collaboration with fellow musicians and I love the friendships that I have cultivated within this organization!
Lauri Walter / Choreographer - Visual Coordinator, Bass Section Leader
I have been a performer all my life, singing and dancing. In 1992 my mom convinced me to try Barbershop, and I was hooked! I sang with other groups over the years, but in the early 2000s decided to make the switch to Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus for a bigger vocal challenge. It’s been 30 years of singing now! I’ve sung all four parts in chorus and now sing bass in my quartet, sharing songs, a lot of love and laughter. Performing has been in my blood from the get-go, and singing with the fabulous friends I have made at Rhythm only fuels the fire!
Lynda Elliot / Lead Section Leader
I joined Sweet Adelines in 1985. After having sung with three Alberta choruses, I found my singing home with Rhythm of the Rockies in 2005. I have loved being involved in several administrative roles, such as: Region 26 Sweet Adelines Regional Management Team and Regional Executive Committee for 11 years as well as managing the Directors Certification Program for many years and completing the program myself. I have sung with my quartet Ambrosia for more than 27 years, and we are more than just a quartet, we are lifelong friends! I am currently the Lead Section leader in the Music Team. I enjoy dreaming up show packages/ themes and have been honoured to receive both the chorus Soul Sister and the Regional Spirit of 26 awards.
Michelle Vickers / Tenor Section Leader
I was very fortunate to be introduced to this rewarding hobby in 1983! Singing barbershop harmony became my lifelong passion. It has brought me so much joy to sing in 3 different choruses, with Rhythm of the Rockies being my home for the past 20+ years.
I’ve been honoured to serve on various teams over the years: motivation, management and many committees. I delight in all things Quartet-related: coordinating, promoting and competing in several quartets. It has been my pleasure to be entrusted to the front row and music team as Tenor Section Leader for most of my years.
My true bliss comes from performing and evoking an emotional connection with the audience. I always look forward to welcoming new members and watching them experience this gratifying art form for the first time!
Jenny Wagner / Baritone Section Leader
I have been singing since I was young when I joined my elementary school choir. I then sang Alto in Middle and High School choir. I continued practicing my vocal skills on various worship teams where I sang the harmony I could hear as a backup vocalist.
Moving to Calgary and into a place of my own, I yearned to sing in a group like my memories of High School. 2008 rolled around and I found Rhythm in a Google search. After visiting a rehearsal I was hooked! I had never heard a group sound so amazing and was excited to be a part of it.
I am passionate about singing harmony and am honoured to be the baritone section leader. While the part can be challenging, it is so rewarding when it is sung right and our note makes that sweet-sounding barbershop chord. -
Mia Cavanaugh / Wardrobe & Make-up Chair
I am a charter member of Rhythm of the Rockies. A busy family life pulled me away for several years, but I HAD to come back. I just couldn’t see myself singing with anyone else. Acapella and Barbershop has settled in my bones and I can’t imagine my life without it. There is just something about the sound and visceral connection to music that is addictive! Every Tuesday, I get to hang out with really fabulous singers who love it like I do. I am completely invested in this chorus and look forward to meeting all the singers who are yet to join us.
Our Management Team
Barbara Woods-Jones / Team Leader
I came for the singing and stayed for the friendships! I drove past a promotional banner inviting me to sing in August of 2014. If not now, then when? NOW! I successfully auditioned for Rhythm of the Rockies in October 2014. Thrilling and terrifying at the same time! Could I really learn the chorus repertoire? Gradually I began to believe that I could. Today, I love singing Lead surrounded by the harmony of my chorus sisters. More recently, I joined the Management Team as Team Coordinator. As a career teacher, I enjoy learning, and this chorus has helped me gain confidence as a singer and administrator!
Linda Astley / Membership Coordinator
I joined Sweet Adelines in 1995, singing lead, and eventually switched to bass. I moved a lot, so in my 28 years as a Sweet Adeline, I have belonged to 4 choruses in 2 Regions: Gateway Chorus, Baton Rouge Chorus, Gateway again, Houston Horizon Chorus and Rhythm of the Rockies. Being able to join a chorus wherever I moved gave me a familiar place to land in a new and strange environment. It also broadened my perspective that there were many ways to get a job done. In 2014, with my moving days done, we settled in Calgary, and I joined Rhythm of the Rockies, singing bass. I took on the Membership Coordinator job in 2022 and am really enjoying mentoring new members with the warmth and caring that I was mentored with.
Carolyn McConnell / Marketing Chair
I have been singing most of my life and in choirs since I was a teenager – singing with folks all over the West and North and with a wide variety of music and people. I joined Rhythm of the Rockies in 2017 and have found this to be the best choral experience I have ever had as the members are so friendly, caring and focused on excellence. The ongoing learning has helped me to be a much better singer and music reader. The barbershop style has been a new challenge for me and now I’m hooked!
Sharon Griffiths / Finance Coordinator
After a disastrous audition as a child, I believed I couldn’t sing and the thought of a singing hobby just wasn’t on the cards until a friend encouraged me to sing in 2014. Two years later my husband saw a sign for a Christmas singing opportunity with Rhythm of the Rockies. I still believed that my friends just “put up” with my singing because they were my friends and so I joined Rhythm to see if I could “actually” sing! I was hooked that very first night! I wanted to be part of this vibrant, dedicated singing group more than anything else. I auditioned and was accepted in January 2017 and have not looked back. I am a baritone and enjoy the challenge that this part brings. When I’m not singing, I enjoy gardening, doing renovations and spending time with my first grand child with another on the way but let’s face it, I sing doing all those things too! If you want quality singing, education and great friends, Rhythm is the place for you too!
Heather Pelletier / Secretary
My musical background began in junior high school, where I learned to read music and played the French Horn until High School, afterward playing in an award-winning brass quartet. I got my start in barbershop singing with Chinook Winds Chorus for three years before finding Rhythm of the Rockies. I fell in love with singing barbershop the minute I began! I’ve been volunteering for years in the community, so volunteering to help my chorus be successful came naturally. I currently contribute to the Marketing Team, the Diversity and Inclusion Team and more recently joined the Management Team as Secretary and loving it so far!