Judy Poszgay Was In The House!

Wowzers! After a weekend of Showmanship coaching by the incomparable Judy Poszgay, we are exhausted, sore and blissfully happy. We were surprised by a visit from No Strings quartet and thrilled to be enveloped in their sound and emotion while they sang their contests songs to us.

Good luck at regionals gals! You will knock their socks off!

Stacey Rose

Stacey Rose is a Baritone in Lions Gate Chorus, the 2020 International Silver Medalists. She is also the Marketing Coordinator for both Lions Gate Chorus and Region 26 Sweet Adelines.

Stacey is a freelance designer for print & web and offers copywriting and content writing services. talk.stacey@gmail.com


Region 26 Competition


Zenergy Quartet