No Strings Quartet- Region 26- Quartet Champions

Rhythm of the Rockies held a Recognition Celebration evening for our Region 26 Quartet First Place Record-breaking Champs- No Strings Quartet! "Time to Celebrate!" They're off to New Orleans in Sept! We are so proud, so thrilled and excited for you to be representing Rhythm of the Rockies, LG and Region 26! We Love you! 

What party isn't complete without acknowledging our other competing quartets. Zenergy- your performance at Regionals was amazing! And our very own Jenny from Under A Rest quartet- first time out singing and competing in a quartet- wow! Way to go!

Stacey Rose

Stacey Rose is a Baritone in Lions Gate Chorus, the 2020 International Silver Medalists. She is also the Marketing Coordinator for both Lions Gate Chorus and Region 26 Sweet Adelines.

Stacey is a freelance designer for print & web and offers copywriting and content writing services.


Sandy Marron!


Region 26 Competition